Darwen Methodist Church@Spring Vale Darwen Methodist Church@Bright Street
We are one Church on two sites, at
opposite ends of Darwen. We came together in 2019 as a way of furthering our
mission. Our united aim is to transform lives and communities and encourage
more people to follow Jesus Christ. Both
churches are used by various community groups and our plan is to further our outreach
in this way. In addition, both Churches run Stay & Play parent and toddler
groups, a joint Fellowship/bible study, and Bright Street also have a weekly
prayer meeting, a Wellbeing group with a variety of activities and a monthly
Soup and Sandwich lunch.
The Alpha Course will be running at Spring Vale in Autumn 2024.
Sunday worship at Bright Street is at 10.30 am and at Spring Vale at 10.45 am.
Our Facebook pages are Bright Street and Spring Vale
We also have a website, which you can find here
How to find us