West Pennine Moors Methodist Circuit


We are a large village church, and are developing our links with the community through the sharing of our building.  Traditional style of worship with reflective and participatory worship on occasions through the year. There are fellowship and study groups and the church hosts uniformed organisations.Our mission statement:

Worship – To increase an awareness of God’s presence and celebrate God’s love
Learning and caring – Helping people to grow and learn as Christian through mutual support and caring.
Witness – Make more followers of Jesus Christ
Service – Being a good neighbour to people in need, and challenging injustice

Community Activities at Wilpshire Methodist Church

Body Control Pilates This is run by Helen Carter 07954 363106 helencarterpilates@yahoo.co.uk

Please contact Helen for further information. Booking essential for classes which are held on Mondays

Girl Guides at Wilpshire Church please contact a_hunt1@sky.com or http://www.girlguiding.org.uk

Coffee, Cake and Chat on Wednesdays This is a drop in for anyone who would like a warm space to chat and meet other people from the area. Starts 10.30 continues until 12.00. Everyone welcome.

Chantelle’s Dance Academy    - dancing classes for children and teenagers on four days a week, please contact  Chantelle on Chantellesdanceacademy@outlook.com

Ribble Valley Singers – Singing group open to all run by Mandy Wrigley 07854 538141     

Wilpshire & Salesbury Lunch Club  Second Thursday of the month book with Right At Home on  01254 658899

Wilpshire Parish Council  regular meeting https://www.wilpshireparishcouncil.org.uk/  

Ramsgreave Parish Council quarterly meetings  https://www.ramsgreave-pc.gov.uk/


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How to find us